I have just received an award from the lovely Gem at Little Gems World

and I am to share with you 7 things I love and then to pass on the award to 7 more creative people, so here goes...my loves 1st, ,not including family as that is a done deal :) then the blogs and in no particular order....drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!
1..........Painting / Crafting
2..........Relaxing with friends
3..........Watching a tear jerker film
4..........Finding a bargain
6..........Playing my music LOUD!
7..........Snuggling down in fresh cold bed linen....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and the magnificent 7 are...........again in no particular order............the fabulous.
1..........Bloomin' Myrtle
2..........View to the Hill
3..........Knitty , Vintage & Rosy
4..........The Hedge Combers
5..........Shabby Angel
6..........Cottage Home
7..........Country in the Town
Thank you for your blogs and the great ideas I get to pinch..borrow..steal lol xxx
You are very welcome Lajoni! I agree with all of your loves, EXCEPT the cold bedding, I like it to be all warm and cosy! XX
Thank you for the award Laj, nice to be appreciated. I was beginning to think opening the blogshop was a big mistake :(
Love and blessings
Thanks v v much Lajoni, you're too kind! :)
Mel xxx
Hi Lajoni, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Im a huge fan of the pinup girls (as you probably noticed LOL!) The pin up girl you have painted is amazing, you are so talented. I cant believe you havnt painted one before, it looks just as good as the artists who painted them in the 1940's/50's. I will definately pop by again to see more of your gorgeous work X
Awww, thank you honey xx
Thanks Hun.
I see chocolate is on your list and its deffo going to be on mine too!
I keep looking at the little tin mug on your sidebar so pretty!
well done on the award!
great list....we share the same love of fresh bed linen!x
Well deserved award. :)
Fanks Laj, i know i deserve this award co's i am sooooo creative........ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
No seriously you deserve it, as you is a *so very talented lady*.:-)
Love and a huge hug honey.... MWAH X
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