Well I've got 2/3 more items painted
One is a WIP, and that is the daisy money box as I am going to continue the daisies around both sides too, though I wish I had painted a blue background, but they were going to be pansies which I always love on a pale background.
Now I think I am going to put some pansies on the reverse of the Recipe book holder so there will be a choice of designs...Chooks or floral....mmmm I call it a recipe book stand but it could be used for any book really ....I like my simplistic chooks, took about 10 mins , the quickest things are usually the most effective.
The blue box I loved painting and I especially love the bright pink interior...I'm really loving painting these blanks, its very relaxing...the difficult part is knowing what to paint on what lol....I have 2 blank trays which are both going to be pin-up girls and then I've got a very male orientated looking box so what to put on that I don't know any suggestions most welcome.
Well I'm off to finish my daisy money box..oooh I so love daisies and then paint some pansies
which I also love painting, but first PIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :) xxx
Lovely lajoni, such pretty designs
loving the daisys and the chooks - you are so very clever
Oh, I love those chickens!
Firstly, very jealous of the pizza!!! Secondly, wow it all looks amazing. The chickens are fab, I love them. It must be so nice to be able to paint!
Mel xxx
Thank you guys.....the chooks are the easieat and quickest if you enlarge the photo you can see how roughly they are painted lol x
I love the blue box it's something I would have/like to put all my pretties/memoirs in. Love the chooks to- you are such a lovely talented chookie
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE all your paintings, your so good.:-)
Love and hugs Honey Mwah X x X x X x X x X
Love those chooks I want it is it for sale
Blimey Laj, you made my jaw drop !!!!
Flippin gorgeeeeeeeeeousss!!!!!
Love and blessings
(Hope M_P remembers I've got you for the May swap)
Great designs .. love the blue box with flowers on - it's stunning! Chick x
They are all absolutely stunning. Everything you do looks great and so professional. I'd love to be able to paint as well as you
Good evening to you!
I'm watching Miss Marple.
Just dashed upstairs to find something to wear tomorrow....going out with some friends...:>)
I am quite excited now....:>)
Thank you for the lovely comment....
I'll have a rest tomoorw, then crack on and make that curtain.....
Hi Lajoni. Thanks for being my first follower! It's so exciting for me to "meet" others who have similar interests. I love all of your work!
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