I was commisioned by a dear friend for a set of blocks depicting 'CHRISTMAS' for her daughter, so with 9 letters there were 45 other images to sort ...thats the fun part lol
Sometimes the difficulty is choosing which images to discard after I have chosen too many or not having enough images depending on the word being depicted.
The next commision was from a lady who lived in a remote old cottage on the Orkney Isles surrounded by farmland and lovely beaches. She wanted to put the blocks on a dresser her husband was making for her and she wanted the word 'COOK' .....
I emailed the above photos and thankfully she loved them as did her husband, as it is always a worry if you've done a good job or not ...but so far so good :)
No need to worry with those .... they are just beautiful!
Brilliant work - love the gentle colours.
Magnificent! (As usual. :-P )
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They are the ones you made for my daughter Laj! WOW they are really beautiful and i know she adores them.
Than you angel so pleased she liked them xxx
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