Well I've got 2/3 more items painted
One is a WIP, and that is the daisy money box as I am going to continue the daisies around both sides too, though I wish I had painted a blue background, but they were going to be pansies which I always love on a pale background.
Now I think I am going to put some pansies on the reverse of the Recipe book holder so there will be a choice of designs...Chooks or floral....mmmm I call it a recipe book stand but it could be used for any book really ....I like my simplistic chooks, took about 10 mins , the quickest things are usually the most effective.
The blue box I loved painting and I especially love the bright pink interior...I'm really loving painting these blanks, its very relaxing...the difficult part is knowing what to paint on what lol....I have 2 blank trays which are both going to be pin-up girls and then I've got a very male orientated looking box so what to put on that I don't know any suggestions most welcome.
Well I'm off to finish my daisy money box..oooh I so love daisies and then paint some pansies
which I also love painting, but first PIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :) xxx