Sunday, 7 February 2010

The Incredible art of....

Leaf cutting......

I saw this on another blog and was just amazed at the intricacy in the work, that after hours of patient cutting, if not sprayed with a preservative, will just turn to dust.

I can only admire this truly beautiful craft.

Link here for more  Leaf cutting

I don't think this is a craft I am EVER going to attempt :) 
Leave it to those carry it out so beautifully.


Lalabibaby @ Dreaming of The Simple Life said...

They are amazing .... I would never have the patience or a steady enough hand x

made with love said...

Wow, they are stunning aren't they. Hope you have a good week,
Rachael XX

Lululiz said...

That is absolutely astonishing, I have never seen anything like it.

Shabby Chick said...

Wow, they are amazing! I think I would lose patience in about two seconds! Reminds me of that man who can carve those teeny tiny things that can sit on the head of a pin, fascinating but mind bogging!

Mel xxx